Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lin Yutang

The Golden Week is coming to a close. What a crazy week it was, it was nice to have a break from studying characters, but everything got so busy it was suffocating around here! My plans to do some travelling went by the wayside because it was so busy, you had to wait hours to get on the trains, so I just figured it might be best to explore Hangzhou some more and save the short trips for regular weekends when the whole rest of China isn't trying to pack itself onto the train for holiday. The weather is really nice right now, still warm enough for shorts but not the ridiulous sauna it was when I first arrived. My frustrations with the language are still palpable, but I am able to at least communicate very basic needs and wants now.
I am reading a book titled, "My Country and My People," by Lin Yutang (in English his name would be reversed- Yutang Lin). It was written mid-20th century, and was really lauded globally as the first book by a Chinese author, but written in English, to really attempt to explain the people and culture here. It is truly fascinating, and beautifully written. While the times have certainly changed, the book really explains a lot about how and why things are this way here, and comes from a man who also has a superb understanding of Western culture. Highly recommend.

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