Friday, September 5, 2008

Currently at internet cafe getting in touch with the West

Pictures from Hangzhou (pronounced Hahng-joe)

9/6/08 (Sat morning) (post-posted) Just got up. Having instant coffee in my room. Satisfied with the price if not the taste. If you are a junky, you will suffer through it if it gets you the fix you need. Had a bad dream this morning; I hope it was not an omen. I was playing soccer for my old team, but at my current age. After coming in off the bench, my coach yelled something humiliating at me, and I decided to get in his face and completely embarassed him, somewhat threateningly, and then I just walked off. When I returned the game was over and I saw my dad, who I was meant to leave with. I walked up to him and apologized. He just looked at me and said, “Well you know you are not going to be attending classes now.” I woke up in tears, I havent had a dream about Dad since he died a couple years ago. I need to clear my head, luckily I have a lot of time to do it- I have no formal schedule until Wednesday. So I can stumble around for a few more days without any help.

I will have to post all my new pictures Monday/ Tuesday due to time issues sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.
Beautiful pictures.

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Good luck